FUTURE projects funded by the North Area Council will focus on health and wellbeing-related schemes.

Councillors who represent wards including St Helens, Darton East, Darton West and Old Town will meet on Monday to discuss the priorities for 2025.

Future commissions will aim to tackle health inequalities, help reverse social isolation and create opportunities for locals to get out in their communities.

A total of £40,000 has been ring-fenced for related projects, a report - which will be discussed at Monday’s meeting at Barnsley Town Hall - revealed.

A commissioning panel which meet in March ahead of grant awards from April.

The report said: “The North Area Council’s ‘Connecting Communities’ programme was established in 2021 to address loneliness and isolation.

“Its objectives were to reduce loneliness and isolation, increase the confidence of individuals, improve the physical and mental wellbeing of individuals and reconnect communities.

“A ‘deep dive’ review of the Connecting Communities scheme was conducted by the North Area Council’s manager with findings shared with members during the workshops.

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“Engagement levels have increased year-on-year and the service has reached 1,267 people over the period.

“Feedback indicated that the Connecting Communities service has helped beneficiaries to make connections and form relationships that extend beyond activity sessions and has improved emotional and mental wellbeing.

“There was a recognition that from April 1, 2025 onwards, future commissioning needs to contribute to the health and wellbeing priority.

“We will fund activities and initiatives that help tackle health inequalities and create opportunities for engagement in social action and volunteer engagement.”