PLANS to build more than 200 homes in Smithies are set to be pushed through by Barnsley Council’s planning board next week.

The 221 homes will be built on 7.73 hectares of land located west of Wakefield Road - between New Lodge, Athersley South and Smithies.

Whilst the site is now green field in nature, it comprises land previously associated with historic colliery uses, including the deposition of material.

The map of 1850 shows the site was undeveloped until the 1890s when railways and buildings associated with the East Gawber Hall Colliery were developed across the northern portion of the site.

Remediation has been undertaken on the site.

Two letters of objection were submitted by local residents, and the Coal Authority initially raised concerns in 2022 when a previous application was submitted.

However, those concerns were withdrawn after further information was provided.

More than £1.4m will be distributed as part of a Section 106 agreement - cash set aside by developers for loss of amenity.

This includes £1.1m for local primary and secondary schools, £206,000 for green space and a heritage contribution of more than £100,000.

Ten per cent of homes under the scheme should be classed as ‘affordable’ - which would allow for 22 units of that price.

However, the report has revealed that only six will be classed as affordable in order to make the site ‘viable’.

It said: “It is disappointing that the full affordable housing provision of ten per cent cannot be provided, however, Local Plan Policy H7 does state that full affordable housing provisions will be sought unless it can be demonstrated through a viability assessment that the required figure would render the scheme unviable.

“It is encouraging though, that the scheme can still provide full financial provisions for off- site formal recreation, education and heritage.”

The plans will be discussed by councillors at Tuesday’s planning board.

A recommendation to approve the plans has been made.