WORSBROUGH Library officially reopened to the public last week following a renovation.

Last Friday, Mayor of Barnsley Coun Mick Stowe cut the ribbon in a special ceremony to mark the reopening.

This renovation was supported by funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Barnsley Council Libraries Refurbishment Fund.

Coun Stowe said: “We are thrilled to celebrate the reopening of Worsbrough Library, a beloved cornerstone of our community.

“Libraries are more than just buildings; they are sanctuaries for learning and imagination.

“I encourage everyone to visit and experience the magic within these walls.”

Phil Hollingsworth, service director of communities at the council, added: “Libraries play a crucial role in promoting social cohesion and mental wellbeing - they offer a sanctuary for learning, relaxation, and social interaction.

“Worsbrough Library’s reopening is an opportunity for local people to access the offer where they live.

“Our team has worked tirelessly to create a welcoming and dynamic space where people can learn, connect, and grow.”