DISTINCTIVE show chickens stolen during a nightime raid on the owner’s garden have been found dumped in a sorry state six miles away after a Facebook campaign.
A lock was prised off a gate at Jess Marson’s Darton home early on Sunday in order to pinch three of her prized Poland bantam chickens, which were kept in a coop in her back garden.
Polands, one of the oldest breeds of poultry, are a very distinctive breed as they a huge bouffant crest of feathers on their heads.
Jess, 28, mounted a social media campaign to find her beloved chickens - named Cilla, Liquorice and Popcorn - in a bid to make them too hot to handle.
The tactic worked. On Wednesday afternoon she got word on Facebook that they had been spotted in a cardboard box at a Cudworth park. They were discovered by a passer-by who heard them clucking away in the box.
Read more in this week's Barnsley Chronicle