Thurnscoe will be well represented the next time England play darts.

Not one but two darts players from the small Dearne village have been called up to represent their nation at the British International Championships in Bradford next month. Brian Dawson, 48, will represent England for a second time while Dave Copley, 35, is set to make his debut.

'Doggy' Dawson, a three-time Lakeside World Championship qualifier, said: "I am absolutely over the moon and probably more so for Dave because it's his first time. His averages have deserved the call-up and, when they told me I was in, I was more bothered about finding out whether he was too. It's great for Thurnscoe. We are both doing the area very proud."

England have beaten Scotland and Wales to the title regularly since 2009 so the pressure is on the duo to deliver. Copley, who works for Next, said: "I am absolutely buzzing about it. I missed out by just one place last year but this year my average has been higher and I had high hopes of qualifying. But you don't believe it until you get the call.

"All my family are happy because we are having a hard time with my father-in-law having terminal cancer.  It has cheered us up a little bit."

Experience representing Yorkshire, for whom Dawson captains, should stand them in good stead. Copley also believes their friendly rivalry has helped develop the duo. He said: "It will be great to add that I have played for England to my CV, on top of playing for Yorkshire. But of course there is more pressure.

"I am going to give it my best. That's all I can do. Because people know me and Brian play darts, they will ask us in the village: 'how's Thurnscoe's number one or Thurnscoe's number two?' It's funny.

"We do drive each other on and we are currently battling for the Yorkshire captaincy for this year (it is given to the player with the highest average). There are only four games left.  He pinched it off me last year in the final game but I really want it this year."

Dawson enjoyed a good weekend by qualifying for a PDC event later in the year after winning a tournament in Sheffield. Dawson, who is a BDO player, will be among the entrants at the PDC UK Open held in Minehead, Somerset, on March 3. He is hopeful of a big draw in the opening round.

"I want to take on one of the PDC big boys" he said.

"I'd personally like to play Dave Chisnall. He's a mate of mine but I know that I'd have to be playing really well to give him a game."