When is society going to get tough on people who cause animals to suffer and then blame their ‘poor mental health’ - the new ‘get out of jail free’ card?

Yes, it’s a real debilitating condition, but I bet it’s less than half of those who say they have it actually do, the others just use the convenience of it to escape consequences - a joke.

Kimberley Grant, 33, of Royston, let her dogs wallow in disgusting conditions in her squalid house, so bad they were ill; poor souls suffering with horrendous flea infestations.

She was given numerous chances to put things right and didn’t. Thank god the animals were taken off her in the end and she escaped prison (nine weeks - eh?), suspended for 18 months (EH?), was given a pathetic amount in costs to pay (will she pay?) and a paltry five-year ban. Should have been LIFE!

Her poor mental health didn’t stop her ‘inexplicably’ breeding from her dog. Hmm. Let me take a stab at explaining: for quick, easy cash, none of which she’d have spent on Flash, bleach, cloths - or a vet. As Jim Royle might have said ‘mental health - my arse!’

A while ago I had a lovely email from a young lady called Amelia who told me about an annual Christmas fayre held in the main hall of Wath Academy to raise money for disadvantaged children and homeless people.

This year it’s happening on Sunday, 10am while 2pm, and there will be a raffle, tombola, cakes, activities, handmade and Christmas gifts.

So I promised to give Amelia’s charity ‘A Christmas Wish’ a shout out as she’s been involved in this for four years since she was 11.

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So do pop along, bag a bargain, win a prize, scoff a cake.

Amelia, I hope you break your fundraising record. You’re a Christmas star!

Barnsley/Chelsea - no difference apparently - we are a town of Elon Musks.

You may not be in a financial mess. You may have worked hard all your life and paid for your house. You may have inherited a house from your parents and are renting it off for a pension pot. You may be able to dip into your savings if your washing machine breaks down.

Aren’t you lucky? Because you aren’t working class. You’re now officially rich. And because you’ve put a bit aside for your old age, for your comfort, so you don’t have to worry about putting your gas fire on… you’ll probably be clobbered by the taxman.

Because according to ‘man of the people’ Keir you aren’t a proper working man if you aren’t living hand-to-mouth.

He’d know, being the son of a toolmaker. He’s halving the stamp duty pay threshold so that loads of young people trying to get on the housing market can be battered too.

And don’t get me started on inheritance tax. Of course he’s blaming the last government for the black hole, who blamed the last government…yada yada.

He’s giving us the pain early, he said, so he can get it out of the way and help the NHS and public services.

Hands up who thinks we are all going to see an improvement? The money will just disappear into another hole.

He has denied waging a war against Middle Britain. But can you really believe a word he says, this man who can’t even define what a woman is because he certainly can’t define what a ‘working person’ is.

What a mast to pin your colours to! Piece of advice to him. Stop telling everyone your dad was a toolmaker. People will just assume you are the tool he made.