A teacher from Barnsley who went to the opticians complaining of foggy vision was shocked to find out it was caused by a brain tumour.
Janis Helliwell, 48, went for a sight test expecting to need glasses but was sent to Barnsley Hospital after the optician suspected it was something serious. The mother-of-two was diagnosed with a benign tumour on her pituitary gland in May last year and underwent an operation to remove it at the Royal Hallamshire in Sheffield.
"I'd never even heard of a pituitary gland before so it was a lot to take in. Once my husband and I read up on my condition we realised how serious it was. I didn't feel frightened, I just had to go with it."
The operation, funded by the nuerocare charity at the hospital, took three hours using an endoscope allowing surgeons to operate more easily on hard to reach tumours.
"When I came round I thought I’d been part of a miracle. The realisation I was still alive and I could see instantaneously was overwhelming – a wonderful experience."
She is now planning to show her appreciation to Neurocare by taking part in their Head Start 5km run at Rother Valley Country Park on April 17. Visit www.neurocare.org.uk to sign up for the run.