DARFIELD’S Jordan Davies is hoping that one day he will become England’s strongest man - and he’s on the right track after picking up another accolade last weekend.

The 28-year-old began training two years ago and since then his skills have literally gone from strength-to-strength.

He competed in his first competition in September last year and managed to pick up the win - and he’s finished first a number of times since then.

His most recent win was at the Rotherham Highland Games on Sunday.

Jordan told the Chronicle: “I’ve been doing events for the past year and managing to win them.

“On Sunday it was my first Highland Games.

“That competition is a bit different.

“You have a stone throw, caber toss, sword hold and a 110kg log press above your head.

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“By winning that I’m now able to compete in the Peak District Highland Games in Matlock next year.

“That’s the big one - they even sell tickets for that.”

Jordan has one huge aim for the future.

“I want to become England’s strongest man,” he added.

“I’ve moved up from the beginner category and I just want to keep moving up.”