A NUMBER of Barnsley players joined a celebration event for a local school performance scheme.

Pro-Active School Performance is a local sporting provision for Barnsley which provides the opportunity for schools across the borough to take part in different sports with the aim to find a sport for everybody.

Barnsley FC Community Trust have worked in partnership with Andy Hawksworth, of Burton Road Primary School, to organise the provision throughout the school year.

Andy brought together schools to take part in competitions and events over the year with sports including, football, tennis, golf, gymnastics and many more.

An awards ceremony took place at Oakwell last Friday night, with Barnsley FC players Marc Roberts, Jackson Smith and Vimal Yoganathan all in attendance.

Andy said: “This has been a fantastic end to a great school year.

“To see the children’s faces when the players walked in was amazing.

“This is the aim for the provision, for the children to enjoy it.

“If they are enjoying it, we know we are doing something right.”

Macauley Hobson, from Barnsley FC Community Trust, added: “We have thoroughly enjoyed working with all the schools this year and this has been a true testament to the hard work and achievement of them all.

“We would like to thank Marc, Jackson, and Vimal for attending, it makes such a difference to the children’s day.

“We also need to acknowledge the dedication of Andy without him this wouldn’t be possible.

“We look forward to the new school year in September.”