A DARFIELD primary school has been told it requires improvement by Ofsted following its latest inspection.

All Saints’ Academy, based on School Street, was the subject of an inspection on May 8 and 9.

There are 225 pupils on the school’s roll, but bosses at the St Mary’s Academy Trust were told the quality of education and the leadership requires improvement.

The behaviour and attitude of pupils, and the personal development of children, has been rated ‘good’ by inspectors.

A report said: “The school is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to receive a high-quality education.

“In some areas, including in the early years, these high expectations are realised.

“However, in some subjects, pupils’ achievement does not match the school’s intentions.

“Some pupils do not achieve as well as they should.

“There is still work to do to ensure that all pupils have the breadth, and depth, of knowledge that they need to be ready for the next stage of their education.”

A spokesperson for SMAT said: “As part of St Mary’s Academy Trust, we are fully supporting children and staff at All Saints Academy.

“Feedback to date, from parents, has been very supportive, and work is already underway in addressing the areas for improvement from the Ofsted report.”

Huw Thomas, from the Diocese of Sheffield, added: “Ofsted report an ambitious school with high expectations.

“As with any school there is a ‘to do’ list, but we’re also pleased that Ofsted reports an enjoyment of reading, well-structured maths and support for special needs.

“This ambitious school has got that list - and they’re on it.”