EMILY Unwin was born with a multitude of problems.
Emily is now a 12-year-old girl who enjoys attending Greenacre School. She also likes playing on her iPad and with her sister Poppy, five. She still has more than her fair share of health problems, but is thriving.
Her mum Louise, having witnessed the various obstacles her daughter has had to go through has nominated Emily as a Young Conquerer in this year’s Young Champions Awards.
Louise had a normal pregnancy and Emily was born weighing a healthy 6lbs 11oz in October 2006, but lost 10oz causing doctors to fit a feeding tube when she was two days old. She spent three weeks in special care at Barnsley Hospital.
Emily could not suck or swallow, and survived on a high calorie milk formula fed through a tube in her nose.
She was then diagnosed with Goldenhar Syndrome, a rare bone condition and following that she was also found to have hip dysplasia, talipese, short tongue, and feeding difficulties.
After being so weak and unable to gain weight the doctors didn’t think she would survive.
When she was two an appeal was launched to raise £10,000 to send Emily to Austria for specialist treatment which would help her learn how to eat.
There, Emily underwent a variety of therapies and had a ‘play picnic’ every day. This was where different types of food with different smells and textures were laid out in front of Emily.
After pulling out her feeding tube, she eventually began to try them.
This week Louise, 37, of Windsor Avenue, Kexborough, said: “Over the last ten years she has come such a long way.
“She’s had to overcome many obstacles in her life but she’s happy and loving life. She is progressing at Greenacre School and I am incredibly proud of her.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for her to be recognised.”