STAFF and students at Barnsley College have donated a life-changing £3,500 worth of essential supplies to homeless and rough sleepers in the community.

Together they filled out 22 rucksacks and 15 carrier bags with winter clothing, toiletries and food for local charity, the Rucksack Project, an initiative organised by Barnsley Churches Drop-In Project.

As weather begins to get colder, and statistics show that there’s a ten per cent rise in homelessness across the UK, this donation will provide essential support to keep locals warm and safe during the winter.

Peter Mulrooney, chairman of the project, said: “Those who are homeless, rough sleeping or sofa surfing need essentials like rucksacks, clothes, food and other items for their day-to-day survival.

“Over time, these things wear out, get damaged, or even stolen, so constant replacement is crucial.

“This generous contribution from the college is truly appreciated.

“Thanks to the students, staff, and everyone involved - it really shows there’s an understanding of the challenges in Barnsley and the great support from the college in supporting their community.”

Lucy Evans, the college’s cultural capital and personal development co-ordinator, who led the initiative, added: “What began as a plan to fill just five rucksacks quickly exceeded my expectations.

“Thanks to the overwhelming support and generosity of our students and staff, we were able to quadruple our goal, providing 22 rucksacks and 15 extra carrier bags filled with essential supplies for those in need in the community.”