BARNSLEY College bosses are hoping an event which connected local businesses to share what they’re doing to tackle climate change will be the first of many.

The Climate Connect launch, which took place at the college’s Think Low Carbon Centre, saw speakers from Fareshare Yorkshire, Billington Structures and Enterprising Barnsley share their views.

Daniel Cherryholme, business development account manager at the college, said: “A lot of businesses are looking for advice and guidance on the direction that they need to move - what resources are available, what funding is available.

“The reason for Climate Connect is to be able to give businesses the information they’re looking for and the right connections to move forward.

“It’s showcasing to other businesses, who then might be able to offer their help.

“We specifically wanted a platform for students to voice their opinions - they will be the future workforce, so it’s vital for them to engage with organisations, generate ideas, and look at those areas that are important to them when thinking about a potential employer.

“In the future, they will be embedding themselves into an organisation because they believe in the same things, not just applying for a job.”