CANNON Hall Park and Gardens has undergone a major transformation over the last four years - but staff say there are still ambitions for further refurbishments to take place.

The Friends of Cannon Hall, Museum, Park and Gardens, a registered charity run by volunteers, has led a campaign to restore a historic building and in doing so preserve a unique plant collection grown there.

Through generous public donations and a legacy gift, the work is now able to take place.

The vinery can be found in the heart of the walled garden, which was designed by Richard Wood in the 1760s, and is believed to originally be early Victorian.

It is essential to heat the building in the winter to ensure the plant collection can grow and the vine is not affected by the cold and wet winters of South Yorkshire.

Work to restore the structure is well underway and will protect the future of the plant collection and preserve the vinery itself as a historic asset.

Geoff Higgs, from the Friends of Cannon Hall group, said: “We are pleased to provide financial support for the refurbishment of the vinery greenhouse.

“This support forms one of several projects which we will fund from the legacy funding which we received from the estate of a former member.

“The refurbishment will not only restore the greenhouse to its former state but also provide a space for the active pursuit of horticultural excellence within the walled garden.”