A WOMAN who has worked at the same school for over three decades is today celebrating her retirement.

Linda Kenworthy has been a teaching assistant at Milefield Primary School, Grimethorpe, since 1988. Linda was there when the school burned down in 1989, and has taught the children of her former pupils.

She said she ‘wouldn’t change a thing’.

“I started off as a non-teaching assistant,” said Linda. “Now I take groups, do one-to-ones, I’m a dinner lady as well. I do everything really.

“I run a school-wide breakfast club every morning where I toast 13 loaves every day for the whole school. We believe that every child should have a full stomach before they start lessons and I volunteered to run the breakfast club, even though that does mean I get to work at 7.30am every morning.”

While Linda was still at school, she had ambitions to be a nanny but had to leave school at 15. She then pursued her ambition to work in a school.

“I love having an active role with the kids,” said Linda. “This is the best job I have had and I love working with the kids.”

To start her retirement off with a bang, Linda will travel to Australia to be with her daughter, Hannah, and her three grandchildren who are four, two and six-months-old.

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“I am sad to leave work but this is my time now and I want to be with my family,” she said.

Paula Murray, head teacher at Milefield Primary School, said: “After 31 years of service, Linda has demonstrated her commitment to pupils, parents, and staff. She will be greatly missed and we wish her all the best for her retirement.”