CONSTRUCTION has started on a purpose-built blood centre in Dodworth which will save the NHS £1m a year in running costs.
The centre, at Capitol Park, Dodworth, will become a hub allowing NHS Blood and Transplant to carry out lifesaving work and to expand its services to support hospitals.
NHS Blood and Transplant has worked with hospitals and Barnsley Council, and staff, councillors and contractors gathered at the site for a ‘breaking ground’ ceremony.
Most of the work carried out at NHS Blood and Transplant’s sites in Leeds and Sheffield will be transferred to the new centre and the two sites will close by summer 2020.
The new centre will house the stock holding unit and the blood transport teams. Staff will be supported in finding new roles within the service and seeking positions with new employers.
The aim is to invest for the long-term, so it can respond to the reduced demand for blood and make the best use of every donation.
The move will not affect blood supplies to local hospitals and will not affect how much blood is collected from donors in Leeds and Sheffield. A spokesman said those two sites had become too large for the service, and required investment of £16m over ten years. The move to Barnsley will instead lead to savings of more than £1m a year in running costs.
Ian Trenholm, chief executive of NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “It’s great to be finally putting the spade into the ground at the beginning of this exciting project. This is our biggest investment in a new facility in a decade.
“From Barnsley, we will distribute blood products, deliver world class laboratory services as well as offer the opportunity to create new advanced cell therapies, support NHS patients across the North of England. This centre will be one of the most advanced of its kind in the world and I hope it will attract other high-tech jobs into the area.”
Coun Roy Miller said: “We’re delighted to welcome the new NHS Blood and Transplant centre to Capitol Park in Barnsley. The initial investment of around £15m is significant, both for the organisation and for our local economy. 350 staff will be employed at the site which will bring new skilled jobs to the area as the centre expands and grows.
“The purpose-built state of the art facility will provide world class services and training amenities here in the heart of Yorkshire and we look forward to supporting the organisation to establish themselves in the borough.”