TWO schools which were put into special measures by Ofsted have made rapid progress since becoming academies as part of a Barnsley-based trust.

A year ago both Oakwell Rise Academy (formerly Doncaster Road Primary) and Oakhill Academy were in special measures - Ofsted’s worst category of failing schools - when taken over by Wellspring Academy Trust.

Both have made substantial progress in the year, with Oakwell Rise tripling its percentage of students reaching the national benchmark standard by the age of 11 and Oakhill doubling its score against the same measure to 74 per cent - above the national average.

Sam Bailey is executive principal at Oakwell Rise and Oakhill, as well as Forest Academy at Kendray, which is in the top ten most improved schools in the country. She said: “The improvements that all three schools are making are a result of belief, teamwork and the incredible talents of our children, staff and families." 

Read more in this week's Barnsley Chronicle