THE community has rallied round in support of an 11-year-old girl who lost her mum and dad and two sisters in a road collision at the weekend.

A fundraising appeal to support Poppie Morgan-Roller was launched yesterday morning and at the time of writing 12,000 donations have been made with over £200,000 being pledged.

Local businesses and individuals are also organising bucket collections and fundraisers to further help the appeal.

Family friend and appeal organiser Paul Hepple said in an update on the appeal page:

“We are absolutely blown away by the incredible generosity and kindness shown by all of you. This outpouring of love and compassion is truly heartwarming and is making an enormous difference in her life.

“Your donations are providing Poppie with the stability, care, and resources she needs to navigate this difficult time. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each and every one of you for your contributions, shares, and messages of support. Your collective kindness is a beacon of hope for Poppie and all of us rallying around her.

“We will continue to keep you updated on Poppie's journey and how your generous support is helping her. Thank you for standing by her and showing that she is not alone.”

Please donate if you can: